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He, who is awakened to Supreme consciousness, can take our mind beyond five senses to realize the truth.
Das Dharam originated on 16 February 1980 following the enlightenment of its founder Hazur Satguru Darshan Das. The principles of Das Dharam are promoted through Sachkhand Nanak Dham:
SACHKHAND – The ultimate abode of the Lord.
NANAK – The name of the Lord, “The Almighty”.
DHAM – The house of the Spiritual Master.
Sachkhand Nanak Dham emphasizes the shelter of a Living True Master. It believes that the realisation of God is the real objective of human life and this can be achieved only through Naam Shabad and thus liberates human beings to ensure one can reach the true home, the Sachkhand (the abode of the Almighty) and unite with the Creator. 
Sachkhand Nanak Dham welcomes all religions with open arms but places great emphasize upon the path of humanity as being the true religion. In His Own Words, Satguru Darshan Das states:
“The true religion for man is humanitarianism, when we truly recognize others as human beings and not as Hindus, Muslims, Christian or Sikhs, only then man will recognize the light of true religion.”
Das means the servant of humanity and Dharam means the path of God.
Das Dharam believes in One formless God that never takes birth or dies and also in a Perfect Guru (Spiritual Master) who is the ultimate source and guide of divine wisdom and knowledge. Only a Perfect Guru shows us the way to become one with God Almighty.
His Holiness laid down the foundation of Das Dharam Based on five principles (5s),
SACH (TRUTH) – To always speak the truth.
SIDAK (CONTENTMENT) – To be contented in whatever circumstances the Lord has kept you.
SADH SANGAT (ATTEND THE CONGREGATION OF A PERFECT SANT) – To seek truth from a Perfect Spiritual Master (Guru).
SARBAT DA BHALA (DO GOOD FOR ALL) – To be always ready to help others and serve the needy.
SHAHADAT (SACRIFICE) – To sacrifice the five biggest evils of uncontrollable human nature – Anger, Lust, Attachment, Pride and Greed These are a Das’s five life time vows. Such pure morality and spirituality form the base of the benevolent services which are being performed by the followers of Das Dharam.

SARBAT DA BHALA (DO GOOD FOR ALL) – To be always ready to help others and serve the needy. SHAHADAT (SACRIFICE) – To sacrifice the five biggest evils of uncontrollable human nature – Anger, Lust, Attachment, Pride and Greed These are a Das’s five life time vows. Such pure morality and spirituality form the base of the benevolent services which are being performed by the followers of Das Dharam.
" I am a Das and have come with a mission of selfless service. I am here to serve. I urge you to stand up and serve humanity. For whoever accepts this message with heart and serve others is a true Das. "

Sachkhand Nanak Dham,
Loni Darbar, Darshan Darbar, Indrapuri, Gurudwara Marg, Loni Rd,
Loni, Ghaziabad,
Uttar Pradesh 201102, India
Near Shiv Vihar metro station 
Contact : +91 8088553333