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Sant Trilochan Das

He, who is awakened to Supreme consciousness, can take our mind beyond five senses to realize the truth. A True Master, from the age of ten, working incessantly for the spiritual growth of million of people and playing many roles for them as a Spiritual leader, a Humanitarian ambassador, as well as a Peace advocate.


Sant Trilochan Das Work

SPIRITUALITY According to him Spirituality is not an activity or program it is an inseparable dimension of life. In His discourses He quenches the Spiritual thirst of seekers of truth. He instills in their hearts the Love of God and desire to return to their true home. He emphasizes on meditation upon a Holy Guru Mantra(…


Sant Trilochan Das Wisdom

His vision is to implant the seed of enlightenment in every single being and encompass the whole world in a channel of togetherness. According to him one Who Serves his Fellowmen with Love, Humility and Patience, who seeks no recompense shall find divine grace and union with the Lord.


Correct Candle Meditation Technique

Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief…


What is Ganesha Position in Buddhism?

Some Buddhist teachers insist that believing in rebirth is necessary for living an ethical life. Their concern is that if there is no fear of karmic repercussions in future lifetimes, what keeps hospice patients, for example, from overcharging their credit cards? I find this argument as sad as the argument that without a belief…



Through His discourses, He showed true path to all His followers This True Path is the God Realization. He bestowed the sacred Naam Shabad(Guru Mantra) upon them. Mahraz ji inspired people to take shelter of a Perfect Master who is able to lead them to the heaven of God by bestowing the Naam Shabad. In…



“ Don’t be deaf, Listen to Good things Don’t think of taking, Think of giving. Perform the tasks, to benefit others Don’t say words to break the hearts, Say words to mend hearts Don’t, destroy but to build. ”